The statistics on eye injuries are frightening, especially for children.  As the implications of an eye injury occurring in childhood could impact, the rest of that child’s’ life.  Though impaired depth perception, loss of peripheral vision or diplopia (double vision).  Research has indicated that 90% of eye injuries are preventable, by wearing eye protection or making smarter choices.

So how do we best protect our children’s eyes?  The simplest thing that you can do, is buy your children sunglasses.  Children’s sunglasses that meet Australian standards and you are already heading in the right direction.  If you can make sure that they wear the sunglasses when they go outside, then you are protecting their eyes from UV damage.

UV damage to our eyes is much like it is to our skin cumulative.  Which means it gets added on over time, so the damages gets greater as we age.  Resulting in cataracts, pterygiums, melanoma, macular dengeration, ocular surface and eyelid cancers.  Now, not everyone gets all or even some of these problems, but they are highly related to UV exposure and can be avoided or delayed by wearing sunglasses.

Swimming goggles are another way that you can protect your child’s vision, both from the salt of sea water or chemicals in swimming pool.  Along with UV protection in the case of good swimming goggles.  I personally prefer swimming goggles that do not sit in the eye socket, so that undue pressure isn’t placed on the eye.

If you for a bit of DIYer, then you know that safety glasses are a must.  You can actually purchase safety glasses to protect your child’s eyes.  They are available in both clear and tinted lens options.

For kids that play sport, especially contact sports like soccer, basketball, hockey and netball.  Sports goggles/frames are available, to take the impact energy away from the eye and bones that make up the orbit.  They can help protect the eye and socket area from fingers, elbows and balls.  As an elbow to the eye can easily cause a blow-out fracture, that can have serious vision consequences.

This has been a short synopsis of what you can do protect your child’s eyes.  The main piece of advice I would like you to walk away with, from this article is that you should think about your child’s vision and what you can do to protect it.