Winter is here, but that doesn’t mean we can put our sunglasses away.  Damage from the sun to our eyes can happen thought out the year, regardless of the season.  So even though you have dug out your winter woolies, you still need to wear sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat when you venture outside.

Most of us have a really good understanding of what sun (ultra-violet) light can do to our skins,  But much fewer have any idea  of the damage UV light can do to our eyes.  It is so important that we get our children wearing sun protection as early as possible.

This is due to the fact that UV damage is cumulative to the eye and the damage starts as soon as we take our little ones outside.  This damage results in cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma.  It is also possible to get a melanoma and other cancers in your eye or on the surrounding skin.

So, please even while the temperature is dropping protect both yourself and your children’s eyes from UV damage by wearing approved sunglasses.

We have a selection that caters for babies through to early teens, with adjustable straps for the little ones and completely flexible ones with the most amazing warranty for the babies through to the older kids.