It is getting to that time of the celebratory time of year, when the fireworks light up the night sky.  I love fireworks they are spectacular and amazing but loud.  I certainly love to watch them myself.  If you are taking the family to a fireworks show you need to consider how loud they can be, especially the accompanying music for your children.

For example Christmas carols, are  brilliant lead up to Christmas to get everyone in the right frame of mind.  What a  beautiful thing to be able to experience as a family. Although I find it a reminder of all of the carol lyrics I have forgotten or misheard previously.

The problem that I have found when my kids were babies, was that the sounds was too loud, we would sit right at the back away from the speakers and the kids still found it too difficult.  That is not even thinking about the damage we could be doing to their hearing with the excess noise exposure.  I wish I had known to have ear muffs for them then, I have to admit that I didn’t even know they were available at the time.  The good news is, wonderful soft and colourful earmuffs are available now.

So if you are going to watch the carols or fireworks with your children, please consider taking a set of ear muffs along.  While protecting their hearing, the ear muffs may also help to make your night much more enjoyable and stress free. #playsafe and #havefun