I was chatting with a friend this morning about something that she had just discovered. Mum’s are happy to spend any amount of money on their children but not themselves. I was asking myself why that is? As I certainly fit the category of a ‘normal’ mum, who is happy to spend money on new clothing/shoes/sports/music lessons/activities for the kids and not bother about getting regular hair cuts/treatments for myself.

This got me wondering, how does this come about? I understand the protective feelings towards your child begin as soon as they are placed in your arms. If not before while you are carrying them while pregnant.

But what I don’t understand and it maybe innate female trait, is that most mums put themselves last. Their family, even the pets tend to come first. As a whole I believe the majority of us, don’t look after ourselves as well as we should. When we do, guilt tends to be the feeling that follows.

As mother’s day is approaching, I thought it was an excellent time to point out the fact. That if we don’t look after ourselves, with respect to health and exercise, then we are most likely doing ourselves and our family a disservice, with respect to our lifespan and quality of life.

So mum’s please try and think about what you need and work out a way of squeezing it into our already crammed schedules. Please consider all that you do and how your family would function without you. That gives an indication of how vital you are and important it is that you are well and happy.

Happy Mother’s Day, from one mum to another – you are amazing.