I am sure most of us grew up being told that eating carrots could help us to see better. While true, there are other things we need to include in our diet for optimal eye health.


The Rod photoreceptors in the retina require vitamin A (found in carrots and other orange vegetables) to be able to function properly. While guarding against macular degeneration we need to consume a diet that is high in fruit and vegetables.


Eating fish particularly oily fish like salmon helps with tear function and also has the added benefit of improved brain function due to the Omega’s contained. Linseeds and Chia seeds also contain valuable Omega’s, so they can be of benefit to the diet.


The question with our children is how to get all of this good stuff into them. As a mum this is a daily trial. An example of a different breakfast option I tried one Sunday was blueberry chia puddings.


I soaked the chia seeds in coconut water and then layered them with blue berry sauce and a layer of homemade granola. The chia seeds go much like jelly when they are soaked and the granola gives it a nice crunch.