I don’t know about you, but as the temperature is rising, and summer is sinking her teeth in.  I feel the need to get outside and enjoy our gorgeous countryside.  I also need to mow the grass and deal with the weeds that grow as if they are being fertilised.

While I am outside, I am also aware of the glare, and the damage that the ultraviolet light (UV) can do to both our skin and our eyes.  Just a quick reminder that UV damage is cumulative, to both our skin and eyes.

In an effort to avoid UV damage, I regularly don, a wide brimmed hat, long sleeved shirt and sunglasses.  Especially while mowing the lawn and gardening, or even playing sport outside with the kids.  Which is easy enough to do, but please don’t forget your children also need to protect their skin and eyes too.

For those of us who love the water, be it a pool, the beach or ocean.  Don’t forget you still need to have eye protection.  Most quality swimming goggles have 100% UV protection, even without the coloured tint.  Though I have to admit that I love my polarised swimming goggles.  The tint in swimming goggles or sunglasses, aren’t necessary for blocking UV light, but they do block light coming through the lens, making the situation more for your eyes.

So, please don’t forget that you can protect your and your child’s eyes on the water and also in it.  Also while outside with quality sunglasses that meet Australia Standards.