Did you know that there was such a thing as prescription swimming goggles?  Well, there is and they do make a small size for kids.


So, if your child needs glasses to see then you might want to get them some prescription swimming goggles before school starts back.  Swimming goggles are also handy when you are at the beach.  As I don’t know about you, but I have been hit by a wave that I didn’t see.  Not something you want to repeat regularly.


The Gator Caiman Junior style has a range of spherical corrections that you can choose from in both plus and minus.  You can choose different corrections for each eye and the lenses do come tinted grey.


There are few coloured options for the straps, so your child might like to personalise theirs by choosing the colour themselves.

There are other options available for frames that have the exact lenses fitted but they are quite expensive.