I am sure you already know that I love the flexibility and durability of the Babiator sunglasses.  Well now that I know about their warranty I am even more impressed.  All you need to do to get the 1 year loss or breakage warranty is register them online through the Babiator’s international website.  After selecting the country ‘Australia’  you just need to type in your name postal address and the number at the bottom of the barcode of the Babiator’s product box.  Yes, this warranty does include the Aces products.  Once the sunglasses are registered then if your child happens to break them or loose them then you just need to visit this other website and load in the registration code you were initially sent out when the product was registered.  Pay for the postage and in approximately 7 days time you will have a replacement pair of Babiator sunglasses.  Bob’s your Uncle and Fanny is your Aunt.  It is really that simple.

Register: http://www2.babiators.com/guarantee

Redeem: http://www2.babiators.com/guarantee/redeem

If you have any hassles with this process you can contact us.